Wednesday 26 December 2012

cow dsn`t mean a cow...

Trillions of polythene bags are used world over every year.They persist on this earth to haunt us and our generations for centuries       .                

critical condition

Plastic bags consumed this year around the world: 493,355,375,215 Polythene chokes the drains, the water bodies, pollutes the land and poisons us slowly but surely. Wake up! There may still be time!


                  HiNdu Mythology   about cow   

                                                             (called kamadhenu)




 KAMADHENU, the sacred cow, is a     part and parcel of Hindu mythology. She is the cow, which grants all wishes and desires. She is the cow of plenty, which emerged from SAMUDRAMANTHAN (the churning of the ocean) and taken by seven gods, who compose the constellation of the Great Bear in    the sky. She is also called SURABHI, SHAVAL, ADITI and            KAMDUH. She is the mother of all cows.                                         s                                                                                                                                  

According to mythological accounts, Brahma created the               Brahmins and the Cow at the same time, the Brahmins were to      recite Vedas and scriptures while the cow was to afford ghee          (clarified butter) for burnt-offerings in religious sacrifices. The     cow is deemed to be the mother of gods and is declared by            Brahma to be a proper object of worship. The unclean places are purified with cow-dung and in rural areas still the cow-dung is to be used to rub the ground of the doorway, which is the first act in the                                                                                                morning.                                                                                     
Agmongst orthodox Hindus she is worshipped on the first of           VAISHAKH, when Brahma created the cow. The milkmen paint   the horns and hoofs of their cattle yellow or saffron and bathe      them in the river. Whoever kills a cow or allows another to kill it, shall rot in hell, as many years as there are hairs upon his body.   A child born under unlucky stars is passed under the body of a     cow to offset the effects.                                                               

Kamadhenu - the mother of all cows                     

Moreover cow plays a very important role in the cult of god Krishna. It follows the cowherd Krishna through his life on earth and also symbolizes with its four legs the four Vedas of the Hindus. Every part of cow's body has a religious significance. Its horns symbolize the gods, its face the sun and the moon, its shoulders Agni, the god of fire, and its legs the Himalayas.

Cow also symbolizes Dharma itself. It is said to have stood steadily upon the earth with its four feet during the SATYUG (world's first age of truth), upon three feet during the, TRETAYUG (the second stage of less than perfection), upon two feet during the DWAPARYUG (the third stage of dwindling and disappearing perfection) and only on one leg during KALIYUG (the fourth and current age of decadence).

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Sunday 23 December 2012

wall of saket court

The wall of saket court 


 "It is a heinous crime. It is very upsetting," Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said on Wednesday.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

mom miss u

In writing this report a key question arises: howmany fish are                    caught each year? One expects the                                                   
number to be massive – the familiar sight of trawl                          
nets full of fish being emptied on deck suggests                                                         
that many hundreds may be caught in just a                                    
single catch. The numbers of land animals                                      
slaughtered for food every year is known, since                               
these are published by the Food and Agriculture                            
Organisation of the United Nations (FAO). These                          
show that 3 billion mammals and 57 billion birds                            

were killed for this purpose in 2008.

Unfortunately, FAO statistics on wild-caught and
farmed fish are given only in tonnages. Nor,
unfortunately, does the FAO publish mean
weights of fish, which would enable numbers to
be calculated from these tonnages.
The number of fish caught each year is an
important question for animal welfare assessment
because, as discussed earlier, most wild-caught
fish are killed (i.e. left to die) in ways that meet no
standard of humane slaughter. If not the FAO,
has anyone else tried to estimate the total number
of fish caught?
There are some estimates for particular species
and for the following cases the numbers are
huge. It has been reported that the number of
sandeels caught (sandeels are small fish that
burrow in the sand and are caught industrially for
reduction to fishmeal and fish oil) is around 100
billion in “a good year” (Johannesson et al, 2000).
On an even larger scale, it has been estimated
that the number of Peruvian anchovy, also largely
caught to manufacture fishmeal and fish oil, was
1.3 trillion (1,306 billion) in 1971 (Froese, 2001).
However, searches by the current author revealed
no estimate for the total number caught.
Despite the lack of official statistics on fish
capture numbers, is it possible to estimate them
from FAO fisheries capture tonnages and other
available data? Searches on the internet show
that, to varying degrees of accuracy and
representativeness, there is a significant amount
of fish size data around and average weights are
cited for many species e.g. on seafood marketing
and angling websites. As part of the project of
writing this report, the current author attempted
such a task in the following study.
19.1 Study to estimate numbers of
fish caught
There are three main parts to the estimate
presented in this study to estimate the numbers of
fish caught in global fishing each year (Mood and
Brooke, 2010):
(1) fish for which the FAO reports capture
tonnages in single species categories,
e.g. Atlantic mackerel (Scomber
scombus), and for which a mean weight
was estimated from available fish size
(2) fish for which the FAO reports capture
tonnages in multi-species categories, e.g.
Anchovies, etc. nei (Engraulidae), and for
which mean weights were estimated for
the largest and smallest relevant species
in each category
(3) fish for which the FAO reports capture
tonnages in totally general categories,
e.g. marine fishes nei, together with
categories for which the species are
given but for which a mean weight could

not be estimated.

 expected links

handicaped pet R real frdz


                                                                        A free-ranging dog is any dog that is not contained. The term encompasses various loose categories relating to the ownership, behavior, and descent of such dogs, including wild dogs, feral dogs, stray dogs, street dogs, and village dogs, as well as dogs allowed to come and go freely by            their                                                                                                                                        owners. It sometimes overlaps with the polysemic term pariah dog.                    The term is used when distinctions of ownership are irrelevant.


Rural vs. urban free-ranging dogs

Ecologists find it important at times to distinguish between urban free-ranging dogs and rural free-ranging dogs. The distinction can be important as the ecological impact of, and evolutionary pressures on, these groups can be quite different.

Village dogs



Rural free-ranging dogs that rarely if ever leave a settlement are called village dogs. They are considered neither wild nor feral, and have less impact on the surrounding ecosystem than other rural free-ranging dogs. They pose a different set of environmental pressures than feral or wild dogs, or even free-ranging farm dogs. Experts on the behavior of early and primitive dogs have also noted interesting physical and behavioral differences between village dogs and other more feral free-ranging dogs. For example, village dogs tend to be smaller and to be found more often alone or in pairs.


Feral dogs vs wild dogs


In scientific literature, free-ranging dogs such as Australian dingoes are considered to be 'wild animals' rather than 'feral' to the extent to which they are not 'commensal': dependent on handouts and cast-offs from humans; and instead hunt and scavenge in the wild. Ecologically, wild dogs are integrated into the ecosystem, often as top predators. Evolutionarily, wild dogs are more profoundly changed by many generations apart from people. Both wild dogs and adult feral dogs are less easily kept as pets than free-ranging or captive dogs that have been socialized to humans. Unlike feral dogs, however, wild dogs tend to maintain their wild nature even when taken in as puppies

 special thnks to

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Monday 17 December 2012

Sunday 16 December 2012

secret sucide points...



 If you want to jump from it contact me i will help you 

                                not in jumping ,in yoyr medical tratement

best friend

pets are the real friend

                                                     my dog   

Saturday 15 December 2012

moon on earth uncensored

MoOn oN EArtH                                                    

two kids was neglected by bloody god

दो प्यारा भाई और बहन से उसकी आजीविका के लिए उनके जीवन के लिए बच रहे हैं...
वे आगरा में रहते थे और ताज Mehal उसे पर्याप्त काम करने के लिए देता है...
लेकिन वे अपने जीवन और एक मिठाई स्वर्गदूतों की तरह मुस्कान के साथ खुश हैं.....

two sweet brother and sister are survived for their life for his livelihood...
they lived in Agra and Taj Mehal gives him to sufficient work..
but they are happy with his life and smile like a sweet angels..
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motel guard ...


                                               searching for a true guard                                                           

                                     the best trustable guard of your motel                                                   
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makka printed watch

indian molested kid

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molested kid        

haunting house backyard

haunting wall ....


yoo bii doobi doooo was no more....